Wednesday, June 6, 2012

OS Watcher

OSWatcher (oswbb) is a downloadable utility to capture performance metrics from the operating system. When you install and run oswbb as part of a performance diagnostic data collection best practice, you can aid in a quicker resolution of your SR with support and development.

1.       Download the tool from metalink
2.       Create folder for each node separately.
3.       Unzip file oswbb601.tar
4.       Set up file by modifying the file ../oswbb/
5.       Output log will be placed under ../oswbb/archive/

Starting OSWbb
To start the OSWbb utility execute the shell script. This script has 2 arguments which control the frequency that data is collected and the number of hours of data to archive.

ARG1 = snapshot interval in seconds.
ARG2 = the number of hours of archive data to store.
If you do not enter any arguments the script runs with default values of 30 and 48 meaning collect data every 30 seconds and store the last 48 hours of data in archive files.

./ 60 10

This would start the tool and collect data at 60 second intervals and log the last 10 hours of data to archive files.

Stopping OSWbb:
To stop the OSWbb utility execute the command. This terminates all the processes associated with the tool.


OSWatcher Black Box (Includes: [Video]) (Doc ID 301137.1)